Results for 'Vera Marina Monjardim Ayres'

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  1. Relações de lugar: um tratamento semântico.Vera Marina Monjardim Ayres - 1980 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Rio.
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    Discursos de la infancia y adolescencia en dispositivos psicosociales de Chile.Marina Alejandra Araya Vera - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (1):1-13.
    Este estudio exploró los discursos y sus procesos de subjetivación que realizan los interventores psicosociales de infancia y adolescencia que participan en dispositivos del Estado de Chile. A partir de la metodología cualitativa, entrevistas semiestructuradas y análisis crítico del discurso. Los resultados muestran significados de la infancia y adolescencia asociados al cuidado, al peligro y a un sujeto de derechos con agencia. Este último, resiste a la violencia institucional mediante el apoyo mutuo entre pares y con los interventores. Esta investigación (...)
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    The Joint Contribution of Activation and Inhibition in Moderating Carryover Effects of Anger on Social Judgment.Fiori Marina & Shuman Vera - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A narrativa da alma no Fedro de Platão.Felipe Ayres - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (2).
    Neste artigo se abordará o problema do autoconhecimento no _Fedro_ de Platão pelo viés da narrativa (διηγήσις). Partir-se-á da “narrativa dos sincoribantes” (228a5-b4) a fim de se qualificar a associação vaga que Sócrates tece entre o conhecimento de si e o conhecimento do outro. Propor-se-á que o uso específico da narrativa para tratar do “si mesmo” produz um jogo especular entre o si mesmo e o outro que não se limita à mera reflexão de si, mas é produtivo ou transformador. (...)
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    Dois tempos históricos, dois editoriais: os sentidos do discurso.Carlos Renê Ayres - 2023 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 25 (1):233-254.
    O presente artigo se constrói no marco teórico da Análise de Discurso (AD) de linha francesa, considerando as reformulações e ampliações que têm sido propostas no Brasil. A temática abordada é constitutiva do discurso editorialista em torno da Democracia e da dinâmico do jogo político no cenário nacional. Nosso olhar repousa nos saberes próprios das formações discursivas que são constitutivas do discurso da imprensa enquanto forma de produção da opinião pública. Analisamos as marcas linguístico-discursivas buscando tornar visíveis as formas de (...)
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    Christ in the Life and Teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus by Andrew Hofer, O.P.Lewis Ayres - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):314-317.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Christ in the Life and Teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus by Andrew Hofer, O.P.Lewis AyresChrist in the Life and Teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus. By Andrew Hofer, O.P. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. xi + 270. $105.00 (cloth). ISBN 978-0-19-968194-5.Fr. Andrew Hofer has written a cleverly conceived treatise on Gregory Nazianzen, one whose main focus is Gregory’s vision of his own life (and the life of Christians (...)
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    (1 other version)The epistemological significance of social psychology.C. E. Ayres - 1918 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 15 (2):35-44.
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    A Tanner manuscript in the bodleian library and some notes on English painting of the late twelfth century.L. M. Ayres - 1969 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1):41-54.
  9. (1 other version)Thomas Hobbes and the apologetic philosophy.C. E. Ayres - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (18):477-486.
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  10. Uptake and Conventionality in Illocution.Marina Sbisà - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (1):33-52.
    Uptake and Conventionality in Illocution The aim of this paper is to put forward a new way of conceiving of the conventionality of illocutionary acts, grounded in a new look at Austin's original ideas. While the indispensability of uptake has correctly been deemed to be a hallmark of illocution, it has also been taken as evidence of the intention-based nature of illocutionary acts as opposed to their alleged conventionality. After discussing the readings of the "securing of uptake" offered by Strawson (...)
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    Kinds of Replicability: Different Terms and Different Functions.Vera Matarese - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):647-670.
    Replicability is usually considered to be one of the cornerstones of science; however, the growing recognition of nonreplicable experiments and studies in scientific journals—a phenomenon that has been called ‘replicability crisis’—has spurred a debate on the meaning, function, and significance of replicability in science. Amid this discussion, it has become clear that replicability is not a monolithic concept; what is still controversial is exactly how the distinction between different kinds of replicability should be laid out terminologically and conceptually, and to (...)
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    Quantum fictivism.Vera Matarese - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 14 (3):1-27.
    Quantum mechanics is arguably our most successful physical theory, yet the nature of the quantum state still constitutes an ongoing controversy. This paper proposes, articulates, and defends a metaphysical interpretation of the quantum state that is fictionalist in spirit since it regards quantum states as representing a fictional ontology. Such an ontology is therefore not physical, and yet it provides a reference for the language used in quantum mechanics and has explanatory power. In this sense, this view, akin to Allori’s (...)
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    (1 other version)When “replicability” is more than just “reliability”: The Hubble constant controversy.Vera Matarese & C. D. McCoy - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 107:1-10.
    We propose that the epistemic functions of replication in science are best understood by relating them to kinds of experimental error/uncertainty. One kind of replication, which we call “direct replications,” principally serves to assess the reliability of an experiment through its precision: the presence and degree of random error/statistical uncertainty. The other kind of replication, which we call “conceptual replications,” principally serves to assess the validity of an experiment through its accuracy: the presence and degree of systematic errors/uncertainties. To illustrate (...)
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    A “Wild Swing to Phantsy”: The Philosophical Gardener and Emergent Experimental Philosophy in the Seventeenth-Century Atlantic World.Vera Keller - 2021 - Isis 112 (3):507-530.
    This essay traces the changing relationship between horticulture, agriculture, and philosophy across the seventeenth century, as the personae of the philosophical husbandman and the philosophical gardener intertwined and competed. At stake in the dynamics between them was the relationship between abstruse researches and practical applications in evolving experimental philosophy, as well as the aesthetic of experimental practices and rhetoric. Early seventeenth-century promoters of colonial projects, such as Virginian sericulture, situated the metropolitan pleasure garden, a place of whimsy and fantastical reasoning, (...)
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    Logics in Fungal Mycelium Networks.Andrew Adamatzky, Phil Ayres, Alexander E. Beasley, Nic Roberts & Han A. B. Wösten - 2022 - Logica Universalis 16 (4):655-669.
    The living mycelium networks are capable of efficient sensorial fusion over very large areas and distributed decision making. The information processing in the mycelium networks is implemented via propagation of electrical and chemical signals en pair with morphological changes in the mycelium structure. These information processing mechanisms are manifested in experimental laboratory findings that show that the mycelium networks exhibit rich dynamics of neuron-like spiking behaviour and a wide range of non-linear electrical properties. On an example of a single real (...)
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    I nodi della memoria: concezioni e pratiche della memoria nel periodo borromaico.Emanuele Colombo, Marina Massimi & Alberto Rocca (eds.) - 2021 - Milano (Italy): Centro ambrosiano.
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  17. El desarrollo de la acuicultura en España.Uxío Labarta - 2007 - Arbor 183 (727):669-685.
    La producción española de acuicultura representa el 3 % de la producción mundial y el 25 % de la europea. Esta realidad productiva evidencia apuestas decididas, aunque erráticas, iniciadas en 1982 cuando llega al Boletín Oficial del Estado el “Programa Especial de Investigación y Desarrollo en Acuicultura”. Este Plan ha sido el principal elemento dinamizador del sector empresarial, dotándolo de personal especializado, conocimientos y desarrollos. Además, el propio Plan fue el propiciador de otras actuaciones de la Administración tanto estatal como (...)
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    Complex Problem Solving in Teams: The Impact of Collective Orientation on Team Process Demands.Vera Hagemann & Annette Kluge - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The “New World of Sciences”: The Temporality of the Research Agenda and the Unending Ambitions of Science.Vera Keller - 2012 - Isis 103 (4):727-734.
    Lists foreground multiplicity: both of objects to be pursued and, for distant objects, of far-flung networks enabling their pursuit. The future-oriented or projective list stretches such networks not only around the world but forward through time. Research agendas are one kind of future-oriented, projective list. Sketching how such lists have functioned over time, from Francis Bacon's “The New World of Sciences, or Desiderata” to today's desiderata lists, suggests how an early modern model of imperial expansion has shaped, in unintended ways, (...)
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    ‘Situational Analysis’ and Economics: an attempt at clarification.Alfonso Palacio-Vera - 2019 - Economics and Philosophy 35 (3):479-498.
    Popper’s ‘Situational Analysis’ (SA) constitutes his methodological proposal for the social sciences. We claim that the two hallmarks of SA are: (i) that scientists assume they possess a ‘wider’ view of the problem-situation than actors do, and (ii) use the model as an ideal ‘benchmark’ scenario to identify thedeviationof actors’ actual behaviour from the former. We argue that SA is not a generalization of the neoclassical theory of individual behaviour but captures instead the methodology adopted by modern behavioural economists. Last, (...)
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  21. Supervenience of Extrinsic Properties.Vera Hoffmann & Albert Newen - 2007 - Erkenntnis 67 (2):305-319.
    The aim of this paper is to define a notion of supervenience which can adequately describe the systematic dependence of extrinsic as well as of intrinsic higher-level properties on base-level features. We argue that none of the standard notions of supervenience—the concepts of weak, strong and global supervenience—fulfil this function. The concept of regional supervenience, which is purported to improve on the standard conceptions, turns out to be problematic as well. As a new approach, we develop the notion of property-dependent (...)
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    Ground Truthing in Digital Technoculture.Vera Tollmann - 2024 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 33 (67).
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    The philosophy of embodied realism: A high price to pay?Marina Rakova - 2002 - Cognitive Linguistics 13 (3).
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  24. Protagoras on Human Nature, Wisdom, and the Good: The Great Speech and the Hedonism of Plato’s Protagoras.Marina Berzins McCoy - 1998 - Ancient Philosophy 18 (1):21-39.
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    Codes of ethics and teachers’ professional autonomy.Marina Schwimmer & Bruce Maxwell - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (2):141-152.
    This article considers the value of adopting a code of professional ethics for teachers. After having underlined how a code of ethics stands to benefits a community of educators – namely, by providing a mechanism for regulating autonomy and promoting a shared professional ethic – the article examines the principal arguments against codes of ethics. Three arguments are presented and analyzed in light of the codes of teacher ethics in place elsewhere in Canada. We conclude that a code of ethics (...)
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  26. Moral Accountability.Marina Oshana - 2004 - Philosophical Topics 32 (1-2):255-274.
    The principal aim of this essay is to explore aspects of the phenomenon of moral conversation at work in ascriptions of responsibility. A corollary aim will be to understand the variety of freedom we regard as foundational to ascriptions of responsibility. To ascribe responsibility to a person is to judge that the person is accountable for her behavior. Accountability demands that a person be a moral interlocutor; being a moral interlocutor requires that a person is alert to moral reasons in (...)
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    Using Benevolent Affections to Learn Our Duty.Marina Folescu - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):467-489.
    The puzzle is this: I argue that for Reid, moral sense needs benevolent affections – i.e. some of our animal, non-cognitive principles of action – to apply the rules of duty. But he also thinks that duty can conflict with benevolent affections. So what happens in these conflict cases? I will argue that Reid takes moral psychology seriously and that he believes that our natural benevolent affections can be used as indicators of duty. Although creative, his account has a major (...)
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    Reply to Touretzky and Pomerleau: Reconstructing Physical Symbol Systems.Alonso H. Vera & Herbert A. Simon - 1994 - Cognitive Science 18 (2):355-360.
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    Ako nakladať S referenčným systémom úplne odlišnej kultúrnej tradície?Marina Čarnogurská - 1999 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 6 (3):292-302.
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    Classical Chinese Confucian Texts from the Period of Warrior States and their Literary Translation.Marina Čarnogurská - 1991 - Human Affairs 1 (2):145-154.
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    CONSTRUÇÃO DE COMPETÊNCIA: uma demanda emergente.Marina P. De Arruda - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (2):265-271.
    O presente artigo busca tecer algumas considerações sobre o desenvolvimento do Subprojeto de pesquisa Formação instaurando competência que visa verificar como os processos de formação, dado ao contexto sócio-econômico atual, estão-se organizando quanto à construção da competência, demanda recente do mundo do trabalho.
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    Writing between the lines, reading between the lines: The transformation of the European tradition in Soviet literature of travel.Marina Balina - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (4):1641-1646.
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  33. Ethics and Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Investigation.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming
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  34. Edmund Husserl: Intentionality and Meaning.Marina Paola Banchetti - 1991 - Dissertation, University of Miami
    This dissertation gives what I consider to be the proper account of Edmund Husserl's theories of intentionality and meaning. This account stresses that meaning is the content of intentional acts of consciousness and thus establishes the necessary connection between meaning and consciousness. ;I also maintain that the two leading interpretations of Husserl's concept of the noema, the traditional interpretation of Aron Gurwitsch and the more recent interpretation of Dagfinn Follesdal, are unsatisfactory because each ignores some fundamental aspect of Husserl's concept (...)
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  35. Essays in Honor of Thomas Seebohm.Marina P. Banchetti - 2020
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  36. La chimie de Robert Boyle et la philosophie contemporaine de la chimie: Rencontre et perspectives.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - In La chimie, cette inconnue?
  37. Proceedings of the XXXII Husserl Circle Meeting.Marina P. Banchetti - 2002 - Husserl Circle.
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  38. The Changing Relation Between Atomicity and Elementarity From Lavoisier to Dalton.Marina P. Banchetti - 2020 - In Phenomenological Epistemology and Nanotechnology: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as Hermeneutic Technics. Oxford University Press.
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    Hume Studies Referees, 1999-2000.Marina Frasca-Spada - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (2):371-372.
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    Science wars: Apology.Nick Jardine & Marina Frasca-Spada - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 28 (4):iii.
  41. Use of theory of change as a management tool for government multi-year development plans: the case of Brazil's Federal Development Plan.Lycia Lima & Marina Lafer - 2024 - In Andrew Koleros, Marie-Hélène Adrien & Tony Tyrrell, Theories of change in reality: strengths, limitations and future directions. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Olimpíada de Filosofía de la República Argentina: los adolescentes filosofan.Dolores Marcos & Fabián Vera del Barco (eds.) - 2014 - San Miguel de Tucumán: Centro de Estudios Modernos, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, U.N.T..
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    Ėstetika klassicheskogo teksta.Marina Mikhaĭlova - 2012 - Sankt-Peterburg: Aleteii︠a︡.
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  44. Did Socrates have the sacred disease?I. Naso & Christian Vera - 1996 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 39 (3):373-379.
  45. Mind and nature.Donald Ayres Piatt - 1925 - Chicago,:
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    (1 other version)Philosophy, Pragmatism, and Human Bondage.Donald Ayres Piatt - 1948 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 22:412-428.
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    El cuerpo albergado del caos al habla de los árboles.Sara Reyes Vera - 2020 - Laguna 46:47-56.
    Chaos, considered a generating principle since Hesiod, is the basis in which we think the existence of the body as a locus of wisdom - but also vulnerability. Language represents a shelter for this fragility, and its place in books molds the way to express wisdom as intelligibility which projects itself into said chaos. Books speak for trees and Earth for them, in this metaphor the idea of caring for the body is the same as caring for Earth. Human species (...)
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    Problèmes de la musique moderne.Boris Fedorovich Schloezer & Marina Scriabine - 1959 - Paris: Éditions de Minuit. Edited by Marina Scriabine.
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    José Gaos, su filosofía.Vera Yamuni Tabush - 1989 - México: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Amount of Learning and Signal Stability Modulate Emergence of Structure and Iconicity in Novel Signaling Systems.Vera Kempe, Nicolas Gauvrit, Nikolay Panayotov, Sheila Cunningham & Monica Tamariz - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13057.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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